SOLVED Font Info
Font Info copy from a specific open UFO, copy a section(s) to and from etc.
more options:
# get the source font f1 = AllFonts().getFontsByStyleName('Regular')[0] # get the destination font f2 = AllFonts().getFontsByStyleName('Bold')[0]
here’s an example script showing how to copy font info data from one open font to another:
# get the source font f1 = AllFonts().getFontsByStyleName('Regular')[0] # get the destination font f2 = AllFonts().getFontsByStyleName('Bold')[0] # a list of atrributes to copy attributes = [ 'familyName', 'xHeight', 'openTypeNameDesigner', ] # copy data from f1 to f2 for attr in attributes: # get value from source font value = getattr(, attr) # set value in destination font setattr(, attr, value)
the complete list of font info attributes can be found in the UFO2 specification.