SOLVED testInstall error
i just tried to testInstall different ufos (converted and saved as ufo3) in RoboFont3 and I am getting the following error message:
makeotf Report None Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Applications/", line 279, in _executeCommand File "/Applications/", line 317, in embedded_makeotf File "", line 1320, in getOptions File "", line 1334, in checkInputFile File "", line 1807, in convertFontIfNeeded TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str' -------------------- -------------------- Installing xxxx-180323 Regular failed The file does not exist at the specified URL. --------------------
thanks j
great news,
it would be nice to give the beta version a test,
so yes please,
thanks a lot!
Those issues should be fixed in the beta and the upcomming RoboFont3.1 release
I can send you a beta if you like to test, let me know
on my 10.10.2 machine I get the above traceback. no other errormessage. also in the user library log there is no further message. I also tested this with extensions disabled, but the errormessage persists.
For a further test I installed robofont on a friends machine running 10.10.5. I used IBM plex from github and running testinstall gives me the following traceback.
Failed to generate the font for test install Traceback (most recent call last): File "lib/doodleDelegate.pyc", line 176, in testInstallFont_forWindow_ File "lib/fontObjects/doodleFont.pyc", line 256, in generate File "lib/fontObjects/doodleLayer.pyc", line 296, in generate File "/Applications/", line 146, in generateFont File "/Applications/", line 333, in compile RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration -------------------- Installing IBM Plex Mono Bold failed The file does not exist at the specified URL. --------------------
on your 10.10 machine you get the traceback you posted earlier?
any other tracebacks? in both the output window or in the
file in <user>/Library/Application Support/RoboFontstrange...
hi frederik, thanks for your reply!
I actually do want to use RoboFont’s FDK! I only tried with the not embedded one to narrow down the error.
I just tried with my other computer running OS 10.13.1 and there the testInstall() works. But on my old – but preferred – machine with 10.10.2 it does not work. :(any idea of a possible workaround?
Oh, thanks for the ufo, it works with both the embedded FDK as with my local FDK install.
I would advice to update FDK... there are newer versions around :)
Is there a specific reason why you want to that FDK version?
or why do you prefer not to use the embedded FDK?good luck
I did some more testing with a new font / ufo and the error shows up as well.
If I uncheck the ‘Use embedded FDK for font generation’ the test install works. makeoft in terminal says: v2.0.94 May 23 2016
Will send the ufo by email. thanks!
that seems like a py3 bug... in makeotf
will have a look next week.
Could you send me offlist the ufo data? if possible