SOLVED GlyphBuilder Error!
Glyph Builder is giving this error:
"NameError: 'unichr' is not defined"
any solutions?
@frederik thanks a ton, it worked!
should be fixed here
@benedikt yes I did, I even tried using the example files that came with it. But it gave the same error
Did you already try redownloading the most recent version from Github?
Thank you, Benedikt. Where do I make this change ('unichr' to 'chr')? I am using the Glyph Construction extension. Sorry, I am not really good with python
This is very likely a Python 2 ⏩ 3 issue, “unichr” changed to just “chr” in Python 3.
Maybe something like this solves it (and keeps it backwards compatible):from fontTools.misc.py23 import unichr