UNSOLVED Slow app activation (when scripting window(s) open?)
Hi; I've been noticing that RF3 is slow to activate when switching between apps using cmd+tab.
I suspect it has something to do with the python scripting window for the following reasons:
1: when I have a single font open, it switches fast. I have tested with 3 ufos open each with full latin character sets and it still switches fast
2: it slows down, but bearably, if I have a single scripting window open
3: it slows down to an unbearable amount if I open more scripting windows, the more I open, the worse it isBUT the problem persists if I close the scripting windows.
Relaunching the app puts me back to square one.At this point confirmation that it's not only me would be good; beyond that it would be great if this could be fixed or I could be advised if there's a setting I should be using to bring back the speed I am used to in RF1.
Mojave 10.14.3
RoboFont 3.1
very strange indeed...
I cannot reproduce this on 10.13, will try on a 10.14 later on today.
@frederik I have just tested 3.2 and I get the same result. This video makes it clear:
You see how the first few times I switch app it is immediate, but get's progressively slower the more scripting windows I add.There's nothing in the robofont python output, but in the OS console I seem to get something like this everytime I switch.
27366555: RECEIVED OUT-OF-SEQUENCE NOTIFICATION: 0 vs 190, 513, <private>
I do not know enough to tell you if this is relevant or not :) but it is the RoboFont process and the number 190 changes each time but the other numbers stay.
Thanks for looking into it!
could you already update to RoboFont 3.2? and see if the problem persists?
are there tracebacks or console logs?
see https://robofont.com/documentation/how-tos/submitting-bug-reports/