Adding more than one item to a AccordionView description
Following the example in:
How can I add more than one item to a view (or description)?
I've tried
, making a list... didn't find out.Thanks!
I've updated the example:
from mojo.UI import AccordionView from vanilla import * class MyInspector: def __init__(self): self.w = FloatingWindow((200, 600)) self.firstItem = TextEditor((10, 10, -10, -10)) self.secondItem = List((0, 0, -0, -0), ["a", "b", "c"]) self.thirdItem = Tabs((10, 10, -10, -10), ["1", "2", "3"]) self.fourthItem = Group((0, 0, -0, -0)) self.fourthItem.checkBox = CheckBox((10, 10, 100, 22), "CheckBox") self.fourthItem.editText = EditText((10, 40, -10, 22)) descriptions = [ dict(label="first item", view=self.firstItem, size=200, collapsed=False, canResize=False), dict(label="second item", view=self.secondItem, minSize=100, size=140, collapsed=True, canResize=True), dict(label="third item", view=self.thirdItem, minSize=100, size=140, collapsed=True, canResize=False), dict(label="fourth item", view=self.fourthItem, size=140, collapsed=False, canResize=False) ] self.w.accordionView = AccordionView((0, 0, -0, -0), descriptions) MyInspector()
good luck