SOLVED Test install error

  • Hello, I'm trying to test install a font and am running into the following error:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Applications/", line 279, in _executeCommand
      File "/Applications/", line 322, in embedded_makeotf
      File "", line 2578, in runMakeOTF
    Could not write DSIG tables in font. 
     Not a TrueType or OpenType font (not enough data)
    Installing Archa Light failed
    The file is not a recognized or supported font file format.

    Any suggestions?


  • Rock star. My tcarons and tbars had picked up the wrong (duplicate) unicodes from bad Glyphbuilder code. Cheers for that.

  • The problem seems to be this:
    ... multiple glyphs (tcaron,Tcaron) mapped to code <165>\n'...
    This twitter thread talks about this issue.

  • Thanks for responding. I'm using RF 3.2. I tried a normal generate and it created an OTF font, but with zero bytes. The first time that I ran it the traceback had a number of individual letter instances about duplicate points, so I ran it again with "remove overlap" on. This time it again generated a zero byte OTF, but the trackback is a much more manageable:

    autohint Report
    Hinting font font.otf. Start time: Fri Aug 30 10:29:57 2019.
    Saving font file with new hints...Fri Aug 30 10:30:50 2019
    Done with font font.otf. End time: Fri Aug 30 10:30:50 2019.
    makeotf Report
    makeotf [Note] setting the USE_TYPO_METRICS OS/2 fsSelection bit 7 from fontinfo keyword.
    makeotf [Note] setting the WEIGHT_WIDTH_SLOPE_ONLY OS/2 fsSelection bit 8 from fontinfo keyword.
    makeotf [Note] setting the OBLIQUE OS/2 fsSelection bit 9 from fontinfo keyword.
    b'makeotfexe [FATAL] <Archa-Light> cmap{plat=3,script=1,lang=0}: multiple glyphs (tcaron,Tcaron) mapped to code <165>\n' makeotf [Error] Failed to build output font file 'Archa_light_design-rough.otf'.
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Applications/", line 279, in _executeCommand
      File "/Applications/", line 322, in embedded_makeotf
      File "", line 2578, in runMakeOTF
    Could not write DSIG tables in font. 
     Not a TrueType or OpenType font (not enough data)

    Fortunately the UFO file is still accessible so I haven't lost any work, but if I can't generate then it is a problem. I was wondering if perhaps creating a new blank UFO file and then just copying the glyphs into it would work?

    At a loss.


  • admin

    RoboFont was unable to generate a binary, could you try it with a normal generate and see the traceback. Weird the FDK traceback is not showing in your traceback.

    What version of RF are you using?