SOLVED Capture glyph cells on drag and drop
Let's say there is a window and I drag some selected glyphs from a font window to that window. Is it possible to capture the name of those glyphs or the font?
Thank you so much ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)!
hello @bahman,
I gave it a try – this seems to work:
from vanilla import Window, List from AppKit import NSDragOperationCopy from lib.settings import doodleSelectedGlyphIndexesPboardType class TestWindow: def __init__(self): self.w = Window((400, 200), 'test') self.w.list = List((10, 10, -10, -10), [], selfApplicationDropSettings=dict(type=doodleSelectedGlyphIndexesPboardType, allowDropOnRow=True, allowDropBetweenRows=True, operation=NSDragOperationCopy, callback=self.selfApplicationDropCallback)) def selfApplicationDropCallback(self, sender, dropInfo): isProposal = dropInfo["isProposal"] if not isProposal: glyphs = dropInfo["data"] source = dropInfo["source"] glyphNames = [source[glyphIndex].name for glyphIndex in glyphs] self.w.list.set(glyphNames) return True TestWindow()
but using stuff from the
is not recommended… maybe @frederik knows a better solution.cheers!