SOLVED Batch not working in RoboFont 3.3?

  • Hello! I have a feeling this has been answered elsewhere but I can't seem to find any information on it. I'm using RoboFont 3.3 and I've used Mechanic 2 to install Batch 1.9.8. I get this error when I open RoboFont:

    Installing 'Batch' report:
      Traceback (most recent call last):
          File "", line 12, in <module>
          File "/Users/gb/Library/Application Support/RoboFont/plugins/Batch.roboFontExt/lib/", line 19, in <module>
          File "/Users/gb/Library/Application Support/RoboFont/plugins/Batch.roboFontExt/lib/webFormats/", line 31, in <module>
          File "/Users/gb/Library/Application Support/RoboFont/plugins/Batch.roboFontExt/lib/webFormats/", line 2, in <module>
        ImportError: cannot import name 'PY2' from 'fontTools.misc.py23' (/Applications/

    Are these versions of Batch and RF not compatible or is something wrong with my setup?

    Thank you!

  • It works! Thank you so much, @gferreira!

  • hello @grahambradley,

    it looks like your version of Batch is not the latest one. (Mechanic doesn’t know about the very last updates because the version number didn’t change.)

    to pull the latest changes, please uninstall the extension and install it again.

    I hope this fixes it… cheers!

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