I'm sharing: Right click menu in font-window
hey guys, here is some small script that I'm using as a startup script in RF.
If you have any useful ideas about what else I could put there, I'm open to suggestions. If you want to contribute in this small script, Let's make it bigger together ;)
Nice Rafał—I made a similar thing based on Erik’s
https://github.com/ryanbugden/Robofont/tree/master/Copy Names Menu
did you know when the collection view is active:
copy paste to a text view: paste the glif xml
copy paste multiple glyphs to a text view: paste the glyphs as unicodes, when a glyph has no unicode its been pasted as /<glyphName>
alt copy paste to a text view: paste the glyph name(s)
drag and drop to scripting window: drop the glyph as a python list
drag and drop to space center (or input): set the glyph in space center (or the input)
drag and drop + alt to space center (or input): add the glyph in space center (or the input)