SOLVED Smooth point not displayed
I think this is directly related to this tweet, but if I set a
point.smooth = True
via a script, the glyph outline is not actually changed despite calling g.update() after. Is this the intended behavior?
imagine!!! this still works ;)
Thanks for the pointer, Frederik. I actually stumbled across this, that solves my problem.
Thank god for @mathieu-christe, asking a similiar question 7+ years ago haha:)
is not so smart :)what should it do? there is a lot of choices here:
RoboFont does the average and snaps if its close to 0° or 90°.
use a bPoints and set the bcpIn and bcpOut
good luck, you will need some cos and sin math :)
In this example, I have a point that is being set to smooth but the only thing changing visually is the color of the point, the offcurves are not being affected as if I had set the point to smooth with the key command. Is there a way to have the offcurve points reflect the change via a script?