Close contour
In v1.3: close current contour on double click (Drawing Tool)
While manually correcting existing open contours this method leads to an extra node. Anyway to avoid that extra node?
The problem starts of course when there is more than one open contour… But basically I don't care when RF fucks it up in those cases (you do), if it already works with 1 hotkey and 1 open contour it would be an improvement already.
ah, no, but will add a "Close Contour" hotkey to the todo list :)
Is there a hot key possibility in v1.3?
Before receiving the double click user event there is always a single mouse down. The single mouse down will add a point in the current contour. Double click will close the contour from that point. To remove that last added point is really weird from a UI point of view. (That has been tried out)