Glyph mask and mark data not imported from FLS+UFOCentral-generated UFOs

  • Glyph layer and mark not imported from UFOCentral

    for layers/masks:
    UFOCentral generates this markup:
    RoFo generates this markup:

    for marks:
    UFOCentral generates this markup:
    RoFo generates this markup:

    A quick hack of the UFO replacing those entries crashes RoFo on opening.
    (I did not reorder the tags but this should not matter in XML, right?)

  • Damn, without switching on Display Anchors, it's hard to see them ;-)
    I think I'm set to switch and work mostly in RoboFont, thank you for your help Bruno.

  • Hi Bruno,

    Many thanks for kindly sharing your script, which works very well. The Mask layer and its content are back into RoboFont.
    Looking at my translated file, I've just realised that the anchors (accents) are gone. I was expecting the anchors to fall into the category of "Glyphs Marks" when exporting to UFO. It seems again that RoboFont can't see or display them. I'm guessing it because if I export to UFO from FLS and then import the very same UFO file, the anchors are there.

    Did you manage to get your FLS accent anchors into RoboFont?

    All the best,


  • Hey Mathieu,

    1. Run UFO Central in FontLab to export your font to ufo (make sure export layers is ticked)
    2. Open the UFO in Robofont
    3. Run the following code in RoboFont to get your lay­er­data drawn:
    import colorsys
    f = CurrentFont()
    MASK_LIB_KEY = "org.robofab.fontlab.maskData"
    MARK_LIB_KEY = "org.robofab.fontlab.mark"
    def portFLmark(glyph):
        fontLabMarkColor = glyph.lib.get("org.robofab.fontlab.mark")
        if fontLabMarkColor is not None:
            r, g, b = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(fontLabMarkColor/256., 1., 1.)
            glyph.mark = (r, g, b, 1)
    def portFLmaskData(glyph):
        # get pendata
        # filter out any single point contours (anchors)
        instructions = []
        pointStack = []
        lib = glyph.lib
        if lib.has_key(MASK_LIB_KEY):
            instructions = lib[MASK_LIB_KEY]
            pen = glyph.getPointPen()
            instructionsDrawPoints(instructions, pen)
            # clear the mask data from the glyph lib
            del lib[MASK_LIB_KEY]
    def instructionsDrawPoints(instructions, pointPen):
        """draw instructions created by InstructionPointPen"""
        # filter out single point contours (anchors)
        pointStack = []
        for instruction in instructions:
            meth = instruction["method"]
            if meth == "endPath":
                if len(pointStack) > 3:
                    _drawPointStack(pointStack, pointPen)
                pointStack = []
    def _drawPointStack(stack, pointPen):
        for instruction in stack:
            meth = instruction["method"]
            if meth == "beginPath":
            elif meth == "endPath":
            elif meth == "addPoint":
                pt = instruction["pt"]
                smooth = instruction.get("smooth")
                segmentType = instruction.get("segmentType")
                name = instruction.get("name")
                pointPen.addPoint(pt, segmentType, smooth, name)
            elif meth == "addComponent":
                baseGlyphName = instruction["baseGlyphName"]
                transformation = instruction["transformation"]
                pointPen.addComponent(baseGlyphName, transformation)
                raise NotImplementedError, meth
    for glyph in f:
        # port the colour marks
        # create/get the layer for the mask data
        glyph.getLayer("FontLab Mask")
        # flip it so we draw on a clean layer
        glyph.flipLayers("FontLab Mask", "foreground")
        # flip back we’re done
        glyph.flipLayers("FontLab Mask", "foreground")
    print "Done"

    Hope that helps.

  • Tonight I've decided to switch from FLS to RF. As I was testing the conversion, I noticed that Masks didn't end up in RF. I searched the forum and found this post, unfortunately even after running your script, before using UFO Central to export as UFO, I can't manage to see my Masks. "Format 2" and "Glyph Masks" boxes are checked.

    I've noticed that running the above script doesn't seem to modify the .vfb file, or FLS doesn't notice it, because I can close my font file without being prompted to Save.

    Version 1.3.1b (built 1211021533)
    OS 10.7.5

  • Because com.typemytype.robofont.layerData & org.robofab.fontlab.maskData are not in the same format, replacing these will not make the layers appear in RoboFont as mentioned (As I understood it) above. From that I conclude that either UFOcentral or RoboFont have been updated in how they write layerdata?

    Updated code below will port the colour:

    import colorsys
    f = CurrentFont()
    for glyph in f:
        fontLabMarkColor = glyph.lib.get("org.robofab.fontlab.mark")
        if fontLabMarkColor is None:
        r, g, b = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(fontLabMarkColor/256., 1., 1.)
        glyph.mark = (r, g, b, 1)

  • admin

    This script should work to convert FL mark colors to UFO mark colors

  • Does this still work? I have the same problem; org.robofab.fontlab.maskData exist in the UFO, but I can’t get it visible in RoboFont

  • Thank you!

  • admin

    RoboFont is already using the color scheme of UFO3 which stated that colors are a tuple of (r, g, b, a)

    You could convert the font lab HSV color to rgba with this tiny script:

    import colorsys
    f = CurrentFont()
    for g in f:
        fontLabMarkColor = g.lib.get("org.robofab.fontlab.maskData")
        if fontLabMarkColor is None:
        r, g, b = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(fontLabMarkColor/256., 1., 1.)
        g.mark = (r, g, b, 1)