Add Unicode
What does exactly happen with "Add Unicode" while adding Glyphs?
- if a Unicode is provided | this will overrule the automatically generate unicode from "Add Unicode"
- if no Unicode is provided, it will only use AGLFN (v1.7) and look for identical glyph names
- if RF can't find an identical glyph name in AGLFN (v1.7), it will not add a Unicode
Is this correct?
Note that this changed in AGLFN 1.7
gets the unicode oftcedilla
doesn't get a unicode. Is there something I do wrong, or I don't know? Who can help? :)
if a glyph has a unicode provided by the '|' construction it would be ignored other wise it looks op if it can find the glyph name in AGLFN. Its seems like fontTools has version 1.6, see
if no unicode is found it will not add one.