SOLVED Create checkboxes with loop?

  • Hi,

    this may be a basic Python-class question.

    I´m trying to show a basic window with multiple checkboxes in it. Which works fine, when I add them manually with their own attribute (?). (Example: )

    But when I try to create multiple checkboxes with a loop I get an Assertion Error, because self.w.checkbox = … is used repeatedly.

    AssertionError: can't replace vanilla attribute

    So how can I build self.w.checkbox1 = …, self.w.checkbox2 = …, etc. via a loop?

  • admin

    sorry, its indeed CheckBox

  • Boing!

    My mistake was a typo: It´s CheckBox, not Checkbox … Ah, the joys of programming!

    Thanks for your help! :-)

  • joanca, frederik, thanks for your fast answers!

    joancas suggestion works. Though I read often that exec() might be dangerous to use. Unfortunately I get an NameError with frederiks variant:

    NameError: global name 'Checkbox' is not defined

    This is my current code:

    from vanilla import *
    class setOrganizer():
        def __init__(self):
            self.w = Window((400,400), 'checkBoxWindow')
            for i in range(10):
                checkboxObject = Checkbox((10, 10, 10+30*i, 22), "label %s" % i)
                setattr(self.w, "checkBox_%s" % i, checkboxObject)

  • admin

    a better way is to use setattr

    for i in range(10):
        checkboxObject = Checkbox((10, 10, 10+30*i, 22), "label %s" % i)
        setattr(self.w, "checkBox_%s" % i, checkboxObject)

  • Probably there's a better way of doing this, but at least, in the meantime, this works:
    (sorry I don't know how to format code properly in the forum)

    from vanilla import *
    class checkboxWindow:
        def __init__(self):
            self.w = Window((400,400), 'SetOrganizer')
            for n in range(5):
                exec("self.w.checkBox%s = CheckBox((10, 10 + (25*n+1), -10, -10), 'Label', callback=self.checkBoxCallback, value=True)" % n)
        def checkBoxCallback(self, sender):
            print sender.get(), sender.getTitle()