SOLVED Space Center is mixing suffixes and not responding to suffix changes.

  • I'm in Robofont Version 3.0 (built 1803062007).

    I have duplicated glyphs, given them new suffixes such as .alt1, .alt2, etc, and have been using these to view design differences in the space center.

    However, I am now facing a confusing issue: the Space Center is now displaying glyphs with mixed suffixes – even when I set the suffix to "None" or something specific.

    As a simple example, here's an instance where the suffix is set to "None" but the space center displays a.alt7 and q.alt6. This is confusing, as a and q gyphs exist with no suffix.

    And here's an instance where the suffix is set to .alt2 but the result shows gyphs with three different suffixes.

    This behavior persists even when I quit and reopen Robofont, and gives no messages in the Output Window.

    Thanks for any help in solving this confusing issue!

  • Awesome, thanks for the added clarifications and advice, @gferreira and @frederik!

  • admin

    small improvement in resetting unicode in glyph:
    (dont use an empty string)

    # remove the unicode for the glyph
    glyph.unicode = None
    # the same glyph can have multiple unicodes
    glyph.unicodes =[]


  • @ThunderNixon thanks for posting your solution here.

    just to be clear, in case someone else comes across this problem in the future:

    alternate glyphs should have no unicodes.

    here are some articles/discussions in which this recommendation is mentioned:

  • I've found the fix to this specific problem in Space Center, though I'm still having issues with these fixes propagating to Superpolator.

    I noticed that the .alt glyphs that were messing up had unicode values, whereas the one that weren't only had unicode values in the base, non-suffixed, glyphs. So, I made a simple script to delete the unicode values from seleected glyphs:

    f= CurrentFont()
    selection = f.selection
    for g in selection:
        # print(f[g].unicodes) # if you want to see unicodes
        f[g].unicodes = "" # sets unicode list to empty
        # print(f[g].unicodes) # if you want to verify blank unicodes

    As for Superpolator, I realize that is a separate product, but it's odd that it's somehow preserved the previous versions – if anyone understands why, I'd be interested in knowing. The only way I could fix it there was duplicating my UFOs entirely, to a separate folder, and remaking a new Superpolator document entirely (simply replacing the UFO in question didn't address the issue).