UNSOLVED Robofont shell output also inside shell
@frederik @gferreira how does RoboFont handle output, internally? Perhaps it traps stdout and stderr in order to display them in the Output window?
On Version 3.3b (build 1910091627) if I call
$ echo "print('hello')" > /tmp/foo.py && roboFont -p /tmp/foo.py
I’m seeing nothing either in RoboFont’s output window, in the shell nor in~/Library/Application\ Support/RoboFont/robofont-3-py3.log
I do wonder if RoboFont can somehow be configured to redirect stdout and stderr to the shell when in remote scripting mode. Perhaps optionally behind a command line switch, so if people prefer output in the Output window, they can still get that?
btw there is also a Pycharm instruction by @RafaŁ-Buchner :
Thank you Gustavo, the only thing missing for the sublime text part is the code to create the build system. So I would suggest changing the instruction to match that. Because right now your instructions are referring to a file that is missing in your page.
@bahman @RafaŁ-Buchner @StephenNixon I’ve collected your instructions for running scripts from SublimeText / Atom / VS Code into a new How-To: Using external code editors to run scripts in RoboFont
I hope it’s all correct, please double check when you can. thanks!
@RafaŁ-Buchner yes, thanks for the suggestion. it’s on my to-do list.
see also Editing the documentation if you wish to submit changes directly.
That would be so cool!
I would love that!@frederik,
small offtopic: maybe it would be nice to put our gist links ( @bahman’s, @StephenNixon’s and mine ) directly or as the how-to guides to the robofont online documentation? I don't know
I've been looking for a similar solution like these for a while on robofont website before.
maybe maybe maybe: everything that is printed into output window also goes into the RoboFont.log file...
I would also love this to exist. :)
Ow Bummer ( T ʖ̯ T). Thank you anyway!
mmm, I guess we are stuck inside RF after a call has been send...