SOLVED Can’t change some menu shortcuts
I wanted to remove all menu shortcuts but apparently some are not added to the preferences yet. It's not possible to change them using a script either:
('Edit', 'Select All')
('Edit', 'Copy As Component')
('Edit', 'Paste in Layer')
('Python', 'Show Log File')
('Python', 'Jump Back')
('Window', 'Minimize')
('Window', 'New Space Center')
('Window', 'Zoom in A Bit')
('Window', 'Zoom out A Bit')
('Help', 'Application Help')Sorry for nitpicking, but I need to remove them for a tool that its shortcuts can conflict with them.
I rewrote your code in another way that is more clear to me, maybe others would find this useful. This opens a window in which, the start button initiates the override RF keys state and also there is a stop button:
import AppKit from vanilla import * _ignore = {'⌘s', '⇧⌘s', '⌘q', '⇧⌘q'} MODIFIER_INT_TO_STR = { AppKit.NSCommandKeyMask: '⌘', AppKit.NSControlKeyMask: '⌃', AppKit.NSAlternateKeyMask: '⌥', AppKit.NSShiftKeyMask: '⇧', AppKit.NSCommandKeyMask | AppKit.NSShiftKeyMask: '⇧⌘', AppKit.NSCommandKeyMask | AppKit.NSAlternateKeyMask: '⌘⌥', AppKit.NSCommandKeyMask | AppKit.NSControlKeyMask : '⌃⌘', AppKit.NSControlKeyMask | AppKit.NSShiftKeyMask: '⇧⌃', AppKit.NSAlternateKeyMask | AppKit.NSShiftKeyMask: '⇧⌥', } class KeyEventMonitor(object): def __init__(self): self.monitor = None self.w = Window((300, 90), "KeyEventMonitor Debuggin window") self.w.b1 = Button((10, 10, -10, 20), "Stop", callback=self.stop) self.w.b2 = Button((10, 40, -10, 20), "Start", callback=self.start) self.w.bind("close", self.stop) def stop(self, sender): self._stopOverridingRFkeys() def start(self, sender): self._startOverridingRFkeys() def _startOverridingRFkeys(self): self._stopOverridingRFkeys() self.monitor = AppKit.NSEvent.addLocalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask_handler_( AppKit.NSKeyDownMask, self._keyDown) def _stopOverridingRFkeys(self): if self.monitor is not None: AppKit.NSEvent.removeMonitor_(self.monitor) self.monitor = None def _keyDown(self, event): allKeys = MODIFIER_TO_STR.get(event.modifierFlags(), '') + event.charactersIgnoringModifiers().lower() if allKeys in _ignore: print("overriding %s" %allKeys) else: self._stopOverridingRFkeys() AppKit.NSApp().sendEvent_(event) self._startOverridingRFkeys() KeyEventMonitor()
I didn't think of that! Thank you, Frederik. This is very interesting.
I would advise to take a different route... :)
Prepolator and MetricsMachine extensions have their own shortcuts with an option to overwrite the existing shortcuts. There are just not enough modifiers and keys...
an example:
subscribe when your tool/window becomes active and unsubscribe when it deactivates!
import AppKit _specialCases = [ ("w", AppKit.NSCommandKeyMask), # close window, dont subscribe afterwards ("`", AppKit.NSCommandKeyMask), # jump to next window, dont subscribe afterwards ("`", AppKit.NSCommandKeyMask | AppKit.NSShiftKeyMask), # jump to prev window, don't subscribe afterwards ] class KeyEventMonitor(object): def __init__(self): self.monitor = None def subscribe(self): self.unsubscribe() self.monitor = AppKit.NSEvent.addLocalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask_handler_(AppKit.NSKeyDownMask, self.eventHandler) def unsubscribe(self): if self.monitor is not None: AppKit.NSEvent.removeMonitor_(self.monitor) self.monitor = None def eventHandler(self, event): inputKey = event.charactersIgnoringModifiers() eventModifiers = event.modifierFlags() # check if inputKey and eventModifiers match with your shortcuts found = True if inputKey = "s" and eventModifiers & AppKit.NSCommandKeyMask: # overwrite cmd s pass else: found = False if not found: self.unsubscribe() AppKit.NSApp().sendEvent_(event) if (inputKey, eventModifiers) not in _specialCases: # don't resubscribe when the window is closed self.subscribe()