SOLVED Set background image “lock” by script?
I can find and alter the image settings in a glyph.lib:
<lib> <dict> <key>com.typemytype.robofont.Image.Brightness</key> <real>0.6000000238418579</real> <key>com.typemytype.robofont.Image.Contrast</key> <real>1.0</real> <key>com.typemytype.robofont.Image.Saturation</key> <real>1.0</real> <key>com.typemytype.robofont.Image.Sharpness</key> <real>0.4000000059604645</real> </dict> </lib>
But I don't see a flag for locking the image. Where should I look?
Hi Gustavo, thank you! Ok, that explains it. I assumed the lock was for each glyph separately.
hello @erik,
locking background images is a global setting named
.it can be modified in the Preferences Editor, or using a script:
# toggle background images lock from mojo.UI import getDefault, setDefault value = not getDefault("glyphViewLockImages") setDefault("glyphViewLockImages", value)