UNSOLVED Problem running DesignSpaceEdit and Skateboard

  • This just popped up today, I get the same error if I try to create a new DesignSpace or if I'm trying to open an existing one:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ​  File "newDesignSpaceFile.py", line 3, in <module>
      File "/Users/micahbarrett/Library/Application Support/RoboFont/plugins/DesignSpaceEditor.roboFontExt/lib/designSpaceEditorwindow.py", line 1415, in __init__
      File "/Users/micahbarrett/Library/Application Support/RoboFont/plugins/DesignSpaceEditor.roboFontExt/lib/designSpaceEditorwindow.py", line 1673, in fillInterfaceWithDocumentData
      File "/Users/micahbarrett/Library/Application Support/RoboFont/plugins/DesignSpaceEditor.roboFontExt/lib/designSpaceEditorwindow.py", line 1526, in validate
      File "/Users/micahbarrett/Library/Application Support/RoboFont/plugins/DesignSpaceEditor.roboFontExt/lib/designspaceProblems/__init__.py", line 107, in checkEverything
      File "/Users/micahbarrett/Library/Application Support/RoboFont/plugins/DesignSpaceEditor.roboFontExt/lib/designspaceProblems/__init__.py", line 238, in checkSources
    TypeError: newDefaultLocation() got an unexpected keyword argument 'bend'

    On RoboFont 3.3b but I think I was having the same issue on 3.2. I wasn't having the issue yesterday and I'm not sure what I may have done to break it. Any insight would be super helpful!

  • Ah it looks like I'm only able to get build 1906031450 from both links on this page.

    It looked like both the "download latest beta" button as well as the build 1906031450 both link to the same DMG. Is there somewhere else I can get my hands on 1909120913?

    Thanks again!

  • Version 3.3b (build 1909120913) ?

  • Hi @erik,

    It looks like I'm still running into the same issues while attempting to load DesignSpaceEditor even with the new update it's throwing the bend keyword error. I'm running 3.3b

    I noticed if I run an older commit of DesignSpaceEditor as mentioned in the Issues things are working ok.

    edit: I reinstalled RoboFont 3.3b and re-installed DesignSpace editor with Mechanic and this issue seems to be cleared up.

    I no longer get the keyword argument error, but now Skateboard is throwing this:

    saved at​ /Users/micahbarrett/Typefaces/variable-arrows/sources/1-drawing/arrows-02.designspace
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Users/micahbarrett/Library/Application Support/RoboFont/plugins/Skateboard.roboFontExt/lib/skateboard.py", line 5322, in _openDesignspaceDocument
      File "/Users/micahbarrett/Library/Application Support/RoboFont/plugins/Skateboard.roboFontExt/lib/skateboard.py", line 2112, in data_instanceLocationChanged
    AttributeError: 'AxisMapper' object has no attribute 'map_backward'

    I'm wondering if this is because of an error I'm making in the creation of the .designspace file itself. I'll send you an email with the file and a few other questions.

    Thanks so much for all your help!

  • Hi @micahmicah, I posted an update for Skateboard, 1.4. And a new DesignspaceEdit is available from Mechanic and Github. A couple of big changes had to happen at the same time and it ended up being rather complicated.

    Skateboard 1.4 needs the new 3.3 beta (http://superpolator.com/pages/skateboardReleases.html) If that is not an option, you can also send me the designspace and I can have a look. Mail to erik@letterror.com if you want.

  • Hi @erik,

    I'm still quite new to this workflow, so I'm not entirely sure. I've been hacking around the different designspace files and think that I've made a bit of a mess of them. I was hoping to start the process over but since DesignSpaceEditor errors on load whether I'm making a new file or opening an old one it's been a bit difficult.

    A few older .designspace files do have a lib at the end that looks like it was created by Skateboard, and a few do not. I get the same keyword argument error regardless of the file that's being loaded.

  • Hi @micahmicah do you happen to have a map on the axis?

    I’m working on an update.

  • Looks like there's a related problem happening with Skateboard?

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ​  File "/Applications/RoboFont.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.6/vanilla/vanillaBase.py", line 488, in action_
      File "/var/folders/bk/sprf07508xjg9100r6_j2qch0000gp/T/tmpxw0clx1q/lib/skateboard.py", line 5316, in document_openDesignSpaceCallback
      File "/var/folders/bk/sprf07508xjg9100r6_j2qch0000gp/T/tmpxw0clx1q/lib/skateboard.py", line 5046, in mainWindow_openDocumentWithPath
      File "/var/folders/bk/sprf07508xjg9100r6_j2qch0000gp/T/tmpxw0clx1q/lib/skateboard.py", line 5067, in _openDesignspaceDocument
      File "/Users/micahbarrett/Library/Application Support/RoboFont/plugins/DesignSpaceEditor.roboFontExt/lib/designspaceProblems/__init__.py", line 238, in checkSources
        defaultLocation = self.ds.newDefaultLocation(bend=True)
    TypeError: newDefaultLocation() got an unexpected keyword argument 'bend'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "lib/doodleDelegate.pyc", line 97, in sendEvent_
      File "/Applications/RoboFont.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.6/vanilla/vanillaBase.py", line 488, in action_
      File "/var/folders/bk/sprf07508xjg9100r6_j2qch0000gp/T/tmpxw0clx1q/lib/skateboard.py", line 5316, in document_openDesignSpaceCallback
      File "/var/folders/bk/sprf07508xjg9100r6_j2qch0000gp/T/tmpxw0clx1q/lib/skateboard.py", line 5046, in mainWindow_openDocumentWithPath
      File "/var/folders/bk/sprf07508xjg9100r6_j2qch0000gp/T/tmpxw0clx1q/lib/skateboard.py", line 5067, in _openDesignspaceDocument
      File "/Users/micahbarrett/Library/Application Support/RoboFont/plugins/DesignSpaceEditor.roboFontExt/lib/designspaceProblems/__init__.py", line 238, in checkSources
        defaultLocation = self.ds.newDefaultLocation(bend=True)
    TypeError: newDefaultLocation() got an unexpected keyword argument 'bend'

    The designspace in question was able to be loaded before. But now throws this error.