SOLVED Why can’t font overview cell size be “float”?

  • If I try to set the cell size to a float...

    from mojo.UI import CurrentFontWindow
    v = CurrentFontWindow().fontOverview.getGlyphCollection()
    v.getGlyphCellView().setCellSize_((40.5, 40.5))
    cs = v.getCellSize()
    vw = v.getGlyphCellView().frameSize().width
    vh = v.getGlyphCellView().frameSize().height
    print(vw, vh)

    it returns the following. Cell size is a whole number while frame size can be float.

    (40, 40)
    479.0 561.5

    Since the cells are within the frame, I think it'd be useful for their dimensions to be more precise than that of the frame.


  • Thanks so much, @gferreira, this solves it perfectly in SWM!! I wouldn't have figured out setDimension x2 in splitView + centerGlyphInView().

    And yes the main tool has fontOverview.views.sizeSlider.set() :))

    I've flowed in your solve. Feel free to play with the real tool here.

  • hello @ryan,

    I gave it a try, this seems to work (very nice btw :)

    from mojo.UI import CurrentFontWindow
    cells = 8
    fontWindow = CurrentFontWindow()
    fontOverview = fontWindow.fontOverview
    cellView = fontOverview.getGlyphCollection().getGlyphCellView()
    frameWidth = cellView.frameSize().width
    cellSize = int(frameWidth / cells)
    # set cell size
    cellView.setCellSize_([cellSize, cellSize])
    # resize cell view
    frameWidthNew = cells * cellSize
    xDiff = frameWidth % cellSize
    L, T, W, H = fontWindow.window().getPosSize()
    if fontWindow.doodleWindowName == 'SingleFontWindow':
        x, y, w, h = fontOverview.getPosSize()
        fontWindow.editor.splitView.setDimension('fontOverview', frameWidthNew)
        fontWindow.editor.splitView.setDimension('glyphView', W - frameWidthNew)
    else: # FontWindow
        fontWindow.window().setPosSize((L, T, W - xDiff, H), False)

    to do: update the cell size slider at the bottom


  • @gferreira @frederik

    If I go with the window resizing thing, there's another problem where the script needs to be run multiple times. I thought it had to do with the scrollbar at first, but I changed my settings, and it's not there anymore.
    Video here.
    Code here.

  • there’s a script to resize the window in Fill extra space in font overview

  • admin

    Each cell is an image and images can not have float dimensions...


    Resize the window by 8? (Untested..)

  • Hi @gferreira. I see where you're coming from. Maybe I can show you a sample of what I'm trying to do. There may be another solution I'm not seeing.

    from mojo.UI import CurrentFontWindow
    trying to perfectly fit 16 columns of cells across the font overview
    gc = CurrentFontWindow().fontOverview.getGlyphCollection()
    v = gc.getGlyphCellView()
    # get the width of the cell view
    vw = v.frameSize().width
    cells_across = 16
    cw = vw / cells_across
    print("frame width is ", vw)
    print("and the amount of cells I want across is ",  cells_across)
    print("so: ")
    print("desired cell size is ",  cw)
    # do it
    v.setCellSize_([cw, cw])
    new_cw = gc.getCellSize()[0]
    print("but resulting cell size is ", new_cw)
    print("so: ")
    print("leftover padding on right side of font overview is ", ((cw - new_cw) * cells_across))
    frame width is  536.0
    and the amount of cells I want across is  16
    desired cell size is  33.5
    but resulting cell size is  33
    leftover padding on right side of font overview is  8.0

    Resulting font overview with leftover space on the right is shown below. I've also tried resizing the font overview itself, but for some reason it needs to be re-run a few times before it almost hits flush with the cells. I'd love to be able to solve this without resizing the font overview itself.
    Screen Shot 2020-05-19 at 11.44.23.png

  • hello @ryan,

    the cell size must be an int because it is the number of pixels in the bitmap representations.
