SOLVED Make BCP or off-curve points

  • I'm trying to create BCP (handles) to curve a line segment by holding Option + clicking and dragging outward, and unable to create a curved line...

    Recently updated to v3 from v1 and encountering different functionality, as I recall that was how it worked.

    Also, it would be helpful if someone could explain the difference between square, circular and triangular nodes, and how to generate each.

  • @frederik AHA! thank you so much, I like this new functionality much better. Great improvement.

  • admin

    He Josh: you can create off curves by alt + click on a line segment. Closer to the on curve will selecte only the closest added off curve point.

    There was a big ambiguity while dragging alt out of a line on curve point in RoboFont 1. As alt dragging a on curve with at least one off curve just moves the on curve point.

    read more about all the ⌥ ⌃ ⇧ ⌘ ⇪ actions of the editing tool:

    good luck

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