Space Center: copying the input string along with the control glyphs?
I can't find a way to copy the text I'm looking at, control glyphs + text string, in the Space Center. I'd like to, for proofing it in another application, say InDesign.
Thanks for the guidance, best, M
Thanks a lot, it does the trick.
Note to users:
## print them nicely
means with a wordspace between each glyph. For proofing, I need to get rid of the space, so I simply removed it between the quotes:print " ".join(allGlyphs) → print "".join(allGlyphs)
you could get them similar like what happens inside a Space Center
from mojo.UI import CurrentSpaceCenter ## get the current space center spaceCenter = CurrentSpaceCenter() ## get the pre glyphs as a list of glyph names pre = spaceCenter.getPre() ## get the input glyph names glyphs = spaceCenter.get() ## get the after glyphs as a list of glyph names after = spaceCenter.getAfter() ## join them all together in one big list allGlyphs = [] for g in glyphs: allGlyphs.extend(pre) allGlyphs.append(g) allGlyphs.extend(after) ## print them nicely print " ".join(allGlyphs)