SOLVED Adding text to CurrentGlyphView

  • Hi @frederik, could you elaborate on how to use CurrentGlyphWindow().addGlyphEditorSubview(yourVanillaView)?

    I'm trying to set some text in the glyph view:

    0_1543196654159_Screen Shot 2018-11-25 at 8.43.39 PM.png

    For the image above, I used the snippet I found in the Show Coordinates extension.


  • Thanks, Frederik. I couldn't figure that out, but I did figure out I could subclass the vanilla elements. I think this approach will work better for what I'm doing.

    from vanilla import *
    from import addObserver, removeObserver
    from AppKit import NSApp, NSColor, NSTextAlignmentCenter, NSTextAlignmentRight, NSTextAlignmentLeft
    debug = True
    class OverlayViewController(object):
        def __init__(self):
            windowname = 'debug window ui test'
            if debug == True:
                self.w = Window((500, 50), windowname)
                self.w.bind("close", self.windowClose)
                for window in [w for w in NSApp().orderedWindows() if w.isVisible()]:
                    if window.title() == windowname:
            self.view = None
            addObserver(self, 'addToGlyphView', 'glyphWindowWillOpen')
        def windowClose(self, sender):
            print('removing observer')
            removeObserver(self, "glyphWindowWillOpen")
        def addToGlyphView(self, notification):
            self.window = notification["window"]
            x, y, w, h = xywh = (0, 0, -0, 22) 
            this = self.testGV = Group(xywh)
            this.text1 = SubClassedEditText(xywh, '-', window=self.window, sizeStyle='mini', continuous=False)
    class SubClassedEditText(EditText): 
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            self.window = kwargs['window']
            del kwargs['window']
            super(SubClassedEditText, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
            this = self.getNSTextField()
            addObserver(self, "currentGlyphChanged", "currentGlyphChanged")
        def currentGlyphChanged(self, info):
                g = self.window.getGlyph()
                if g is None: return
                f = g.getParent()
                self.set( + ' '  +
        def _breakCycles(self):
            super(SubClassedEditText, self)._breakCycles()
            removeObserver(self, "currentGlyphChanged")

  • admin

    I see, you need to keep a dictionary where the window is the key and the view is the item.

    On glyphWindowWillClose get the window from the notification, remove the view and del the window item in the dictionary.

    Hope this makes sense :)

  • Thanks again for this thread and the sample code. I've made a few tools based on it but have run into a problem I can't seem to solve on my own.

    If you open more than one glyph window, either from a second font or the same font, the tool breaks in the older windows. Is there a way to make the sample code work with multiple glyph windows open?

  • @RafaŁ-Buchner thanks for the suggestion! here it is

  • Maybe this comment is unnecessary, but guys,
    I LOVE THIS POST, please add it to the docs, it will be easier to find

  • admin

    Each view added with window.addGlyphEditorSubview will be detached from zoom level or panning. The other option is to draw inside the glyph canvas in glyph coordinate space.

    magnifyWithEvent is an event that is called in a Canvas delegate whenever there is a pinch on a trackpad for example.

  • Ok, seems that I can just use vanilla.Group to set text, since I don't need to draw anything.

    (I asked earlier about disconnecting from the zoom level, but I assume that's what magnifyWithEvent() is for?)

    Also, will more documentation be added to the page that lists possible delegate methods?

    And one more thing... this is a bit of a side question, but would you ever use a separate object as a delegate?

    from vanilla import *
    from import addObserver, removeObserver
    from mojo.canvas import CanvasGroup
    class OverlayViewController(object):
        def __init__(self):
            addObserver(self, "observerGlyphWindowWillOpen", "glyphWindowWillOpen")
            addObserver(self, "observerGlyphWindowWillClose", "glyphWindowWillClose")
        def observerGlyphWindowWillOpen(self, notification):
            self.window = notification["window"]
            delegateObj = DelegateObj()
            self.view = CanvasGroup((0, -200, -0, -0), delegate=delegateObj)
            self.view.button1 = Button((-130, -40, 120, 22), "Hit Me")
        def observerGlyphWindowWillClose(self, notification):
            removeObserver(self, "glyphWindowWillOpen")
            removeObserver(self, "glyphWindowWillClose")
    class DelegateObj:
        def acceptsFirstResponder(self):
            return False
        def shouldDrawBackground(self):
            return False
        def draw(self):

  • This post is deleted!

  • admin

    and if you want to remove the view from the glyph editor: glyphWindow.removeGlyphEditorSubview(view)

  • admin

    It should not be a CanvasGroup, it could also be a vanilla.Group. In this example it shows how to draw something on top of a glyph view disconnected from the zoom level.

    The delegate callbacks are related to a CanvasGroup. for more info see mojo.canvas.CanvasGroup

  • @gferreira @frederik That was really helpful, thank you!

    If I'm understanding this right, CanvasGroup is a thin layer on top of the glyph view, and we can add whatever vanilla elements to that CanvasGroup?

    Will play around with this. I'm not sure I understand what all of these delegate callbacks do just yet, since sometimes they're not immediately obvious:

    • opaque() — does this need to be specified if shouldDrawBackground() already returns False?

    • acceptsMouseMoved()

    • becomeFirstResponder() & resignFirstResponder() — do these have to be specified if acceptsFirstResponder() already returns False?

    0_1543233080466_Screen Shot 2018-11-26 at 6.50.00 AM.png

  • here’s an example of addGlyphEditorSubview:

    (I got it from @frederik some time ago, made a few small changes only)

    0_1543224269517_Screen Shot 2018-11-26 at 07.22.30.png

    from vanilla import *
    import mojo.drawingTools as ctx
    from import addObserver, removeObserver
    from mojo.canvas import CanvasGroup
    from mojo.UI import CurrentGlyphWindow
    class OverlayViewController(object):
        def __init__(self):
            ### for debugging only
            self.w = FloatingWindow((150, 50), "debug only")
            self.w.bind("close", self.windowClose)
            ### end debugging
            self.view = None
            addObserver(self, "observerGlyphWindowWillOpen", "glyphWindowWillOpen")
            addObserver(self, "observerDraw", "draw")
            addObserver(self, "observerDrawPreview", "drawPreview")
        def windowClose(self, sender):
            removeObserver(self, "glyphWindowWillOpen")
            removeObserver(self, "draw")
            removeObserver(self, "drawPreview")
        def observerGlyphWindowWillOpen(self, notification):
            self.window = notification["window"]
            # create a view with some controls
            self.view = CanvasGroup((0, -200, -0, -0), delegate=self)
            self.view.button1 = Button((-130, -40, 120, 22), "Hit Me")
            self.view.button2 = Button((-260, -40, 120, 22), "Show Controls")
            self.view.list = List((-260, 10, -10, -50), ["a", "b", "c", "Do SomeThing"]) 
            # add the view to the GlyphEditor
        def observerDraw(self, notification):
            if self.view:
        def observerDrawPreview(self, notification):
            # hide the view in Preview mode
            if self.view:
        # canvas delegate callbacks
        def opaque(self):
            return True
        def acceptsFirstResponder(self):
            return False
        def acceptsMouseMoved(self):
            return True
        def becomeFirstResponder(self):
            return False
        def resignFirstResponder(self):
            return False
        def shouldDrawBackground(self):
            return False
        def draw(self):
            g = self.window.getGlyph()
            if g is None:
            f = g.getParent()
            x, y, w, h = self.window.getVisibleRect()        
            h = self.view.height() - y
            # draw a rect around the view area
            ctx.stroke(0, 1, 0)
            ctx.rect(x+5, y+5, w-10, h-10)
            # draw some preview glyphs
            testGlyphs = ["n", "o"]
            glyphs = []
            for c in testGlyphs:
                if c in f:
            ctx.translate(50, 150)        
            for glyph in glyphs:
                ctx.translate(glyph.width, 0)

    will be added to the docs soon…